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  • Writer's pictureJohn Tsavalas

Eskerrik asko, POLYMAT! Eztabaida bikaina izan zen!

It was excellent to give a seminar on our ice-interacting polymers at POLYMAT within The University of the Basque Country showcasing the beautiful work of Nick Mitchell, Zach Hollins, Anna Huebner, Elly Walsh (U. Ottawa, with Robert Ben), building off of our prototypical work with Mohammad Mousazadehkasin. A special thanks to my friend and host Joserra Leiza and the wonderful people here in Donostia in the Basque Country! Stay tuned for Round 2 this Friday at 12:00 where I will present our current work (notably of Zach Hollins), also here at #POLYMAT (@POLYMAT_BERC), which introduces new emulsion polymerization entry mechanisms - there is a lot of landscape left to explore! Come join me to hear and discuss, "Opening Pandora’s Box to Reveal the Key Roles of the Aqueous Phase in Emulsion Polymerization with Allyl Methacrylate as a co-Monomer Crosslinker".

And don't worry! I still have my white beard!

POLYMAT Tsavalas seminar
POLYMAT Tsavalas seminar

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